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Earth-Centered Meditation Guide

Active visualization is one of the most potent forms of meditation because it engages our minds while calming our bodies. Visualization can be as simple as seeing the light entering the body or as complicated as seeing the moon and stars on a space journey.

A very centering principle for self-guided visualizing is to imagine nature because our bodies and minds sympathize with the healing aspects of nature. Whether sitting on a mountain we have seen, by a stream, or lake or forest, by engrossing all five of our senses deeply in nature, we stimulate the parts of our brain that really respond to these stimuli.

How To:
Sit in a calm, dimly lit place. Consider some calming music, a candle, or incense.
Breathe deeply, and smile to relax the facial musculature.
Imagine your favorite natural spot. Recall the little details and try to see what’s in your mind’s world around you: the more you ‘look’, the more the vision will grow.
Imagine a breeze, the smell, the sun, or the moon shine…
See the air around you as the most brilliant light, entering your body as you heal and releasing negativity, doubt, and fear, as you exhale.
Imagine from the base of your spine a thread connecting you to the magnum of the earth. As you sit up straighter, let the thread run through you to the sky.

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