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How to Use Your Home Lights to Be More Zen

Many public spaces like our office buildings and subways use fluorescent lighting. This bulb is very bright, which discharges Mercury gas in short waves. This gas is harmful if broken and ingested, making the lightbulbs very unsafe, and they are too bright to the visual spectrum. There are many energy-efficient alternatives that are not fluorescent and are better for the human eye.

At a minimum, we can control our home lighting to create more soothing environments. Home lighting is important because it should create a Zen atmosphere, so non-fluorescent bulbs are crucial. Funky colors are also an option to employ color therapy. Subtly placing blues, purples, or off-whites, can set the mind to more relaxed wave lengths, correlating with the longer color wavelengths at the end of the rainbow spectrum.

SAD light boxes have been shown to ease feelings of depression and seasonal mood swings as they use bright white light simulating the power of the sun. Promoting the output of positive brain chemicals like serotonin, the light box can regulate circadian rhythms, easing insomnia and linked side effects.

How to: Research alternative safe lightbulb options for the home and consider making known our displeasure with the use of energy-inefficient fluorescents in the office-space and public spaces.

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